
Calling It Quits with Scammers

Expert Tips to Avoid Phone and Text 欺诈

你是否收到过比平时更多的垃圾短信和电话? 你并不孤单.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reports that it received 334,833 投诉 去年收到的诈骗短信数量是前一年的两倍多. 这一趋势在全球范围内蔓延,人们暴露在大约 125% more fraudulent messages every 3 months than before.1

Millions of fraudulent messages, sometimes referred to as “smishing texts,,似乎是货真价实的, 包括银行 and credit unions, delivery services and online retailers, 公用事业公司, and even lottery offices. 这些短信和电话背后的老练的犯罪分子可以欺骗你知道的企业号码,或者只是一个本地区号. 横跨美国.S., $86 million was reported lost in 2020 from scam texts.2

整体, 骗子的目的是说服你交出个人信息,无论是账户还是社会保险号, digital banking passwords, credit or debit card numbers, 甚至可能帮助他们猜测你的安全问题答案的数据. 另外, 这些骗子的目的可能是说服你把钱从你的账户转到他们的账户. 重要的是要意识到这些精致的骗局,并尽你最大的努力保护自己和你的身份.

So, how do fraudsters get my phone number anyway?

There are many methods, including:

  • 社交媒体: As you give permission to well-known social media platforms, they pass your information on to advertisers. 这将迅速增加您的号码通过数据泄露暴露的机会. 另外, if your number is listed on public social media sites, 它很有可能被发现并添加到这些欺诈者的数据库中.
  • 在线提交: 消费者分享电话号码的原因有很多, including entering contests, joining rewards programs, filling out forms or surveys, 等. Whenever you share your number in these formats, 总是有更高的潜力,它会被那些心怀不轨的人发现.
  • 随机数字: 这些罪犯可能会使用人工智能拨打随机电话号码, hoping some have real humans on the other side of the line.
  • 文本的反应: If you've ever replied to a fraudulent text, even without meaning to, 您的号码可能被标记为有效并出售给其他垃圾邮件发送者. 回复这些信息会增加收到更多垃圾电话和短信的可能性.
  • 数据泄漏: 随着诈骗成为一种更有组织的犯罪,这些垃圾邮件发送者将把目标对准公司  gain access to their consumer data. 成功后,您的信息,包括您的电话号码、电子邮件、用户名等,  can be leaked and targeted with fraudulent communications.

What red flags should I watch for?


  • 拼写 & 语法错误: 欺诈性短信通常充斥着糟糕的语法、拼写错误和笨拙的措辞. When a real business sends you a message, 它通常没有错误,使用正确的语法和标点符号.
  • 神秘的链接: 如果一条短信包含一个可疑的链接,这是一个常见的信号,它是欺诈的. 不要点击链接或按照消息中列出的任何指示操作.
  • Unexpected Messages: 如果你没有订购任何东西,为什么你会收到来自公司的跟踪链接? 根据你的购物历史,你可以合理地知道你会收到哪些公司的来信, 因此,忽略来自与你没有关联的企业的其他信息.
  • 索取代码: Your financial institution, 甚至是零售商, will not call you asking for data such as a one-time-passcode. Keep any PINs private, 即使是那些通过短信来验证你身份的临时证件, 如果有人问你要,直接报告给他们自称的公司.



What can I do protect myself from this type of fraud?

虽然很难屏蔽这些类型的电话和短信,因为它们来自不同的号码, using these tips will help keep your identity more secure:

  • Be cautious about disclosing personal information. 合法的机构, 包括银行, 政府部门, 企业也不会通过不请自来的短信或电话索要你的个人或财务数据. 小心你在网上披露这些信息的方式和地点是保护你身份的关键的第一步. 尤其要小心任何要求你“验证”或“更新”你的账户详细信息或凭证的短信或电话.
  • Visit websites or call companies directly. When you’re unsure if a communication is legitimate, such as a text or phone call, it’s best to ignore it and contact that company directly. 另外, 不要相信来电显示,因为欺诈者可以伪造电话号码,欺骗消费者相信他们的电话是真实的.
  • Never reply to suspicious messages. When you reply to a fraudulent message, it confirms to the spammers that you’re a real person, and that could place you on their lists as a future target. 通常, 欺诈者会发送信息,要求你回复“停止”,以便不再接收以后的信息,从而欺骗你回复. Don’t let these criminals fool you into replying, which can lead to more spam calls and texts in the future.

What happens if I click the link in a spam text?

Well, it’s best not to do so. But if it happens, here’s what might occur next:

Clicking on the link will likely take you to a fake website, 设计的唯一目的是捕获您的财务或个人数据. 在很多情况下, 这个网站会用恶意软件感染你的手机,目的是监视你的手机活动. 如果这还不够,这个恶意软件还会占用内存空间,从而减慢你的手机速度.


  • 向你的信用合作社或银行寻求指导,以确保你的财务账户安全.
  • Change usernames and passwords to those accounts, using a different device than the one that may be infected.
  • Report this fraud to your phone carriers, 因为如果多个消费者遇到同样的问题,他们可能会采取行动.
  • Involve local law enforcement if you experience any financial loss.



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我们的建议部分, including articles and quick videos, dives into additional fraud-related topics including romance scams, 身份盗窃, 就业欺诈, 和更多的. 探索这些资源以获得更多的知识,从而感到有能力避免欺诈.

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